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    2005年 第20卷 第4期    刊出日期:2005-12-30
    刘浩, 刘爱超
    2005, 20(4):  331-337. 
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    Let f(x) be an almost spirallike mapping of type β with order α on unit ball B of complex Banach space X. In this paper, we consider the growth and covering theorems for f(x), we also prove that the estimation is precise when β=0 and still give growth upper bound and distortion upper bound for subordinate mapping. This result include some results known.

    许庆祥, 张小波
    2005, 20(4):  338-341. 
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    We study diagonal invariant ideals of topologically graded C*-algebras over discrete groups. Since all Toeplitz algebras defined on discrete groups are topologically graded, the results in this paper have improved the first author’s previous works on this topic.

    刘克英, 徐少贤, 刘安平
    2005, 20(4):  342-349. 
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    This paper deals with the oscillatory properties of a class of nonlinear neutral parabolic partial differential equations with several delays. Sufficient criteria for the equation to be oscillatory are obtained by making use of some results of first-order functional differential inequalities. These results fully reveal the essential difference between this type and that without delays.

    李尧龙, 李生刚
    2005, 20(4):  350-354. 
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    The concept of relative N-compactness is defined and characterized in terms of nets. It is shown that the relative N-compactness is hereditary with respect to L-fuzzy sets and the relative N-compactness is L-good extension. Some connections between the N-compactness and the relative N-compactness are investigated. It is also proved that induced relative N-compact spaces are productive, and the product of finite relative compact sets is relative compact.

    张光辉, 孙应德
    2005, 20(4):  355-359. 
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    In this paper, we introduce a practical method for obtaining the structure of the group of units for the ring of linear transformations of a vector space over an arbitrary field, and we give a further generalization of the result in [3].

    张瑞凤, 李瑞阁
    2005, 20(4):  360-366. 
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    Applying the integral a priori estimates method, the existence and uniqueness of the global solution for the dissipative Hasegawa-Mima equation with initial periodic boundary condition was proved.

    杨辉, 姚红
    2005, 20(4):  367-371. 
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    This paper presents the popularization of the weighting of Chebyshev’s inequality and discusses the relation between this popularization and some famous inequalities.

    李兴校, 黄广月
    2005, 20(4):  372-379. 
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    For submanifolds in a cosymplectic space form tangent to the structure vector field ξ, two important inequalities with Ricci curvature, scalar curvature and the squared mean curvature are obtained. These results are also applied to get corresponding consequences for anti-invariant submanifolds.

    倪小虹, 葛渭高
    2005, 20(4):  380-384. 
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    In this paper, the authors study the existence of positive solution of the following BVP on the semi-infinite interval. By considering characterization of the nonlinearity, they obtain some new existence results.

    2005, 20(4):  385-389. 
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    A class of singularly perturbed problems for the nonlinear elliptic equations is considered. Under suitable conditions, using the theory of differential inequalities the asymptotic behavior of solution for the boundary value problems are studied, which reduced equations possess two intersecting solutions.

    叶耀军, 刘秋香
    2005, 20(4):  390-394. 
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    In this paper we study the decay estimate of global solutions to the initialboundary value problem for double degenerate nonlinear parabolic equation by using a difference inequality.

    陈卫红, 李娜
    2005, 20(4):  395-400. 
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    The Boolean functions in an affine equivalence class are of the same algebraic degree and nonlinearity, but may satisfy different order of correlation immunity and propagation criterion. A method is presented in this paper to find Boolean functions with higher order correlation immunity or satisfying higher order propagation criterion in an affine equivalence class. 8 AES s-box functions are not better Boolean functions in their affine equivalence class.

    刘卫岭, 李国富
    2005, 20(4):  401-405. 
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    In this paper, the estimate on blow-up rate of the following nonlinear parabolic system is considered: .... . We will prove that there exist two positive constants such that: ...  , where l1= l21α/α2+l22,r=α1/α2>1,α1≤α2<0.

    高明哲, 贾维剑
    2005, 20(4):  406-410. 
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    A new improvement of Hilbert’s inequality for double series can be established by means of a strengthened Cauchy’s inequality. As application, a quite sharp result on Fejer-Riesz’s inequality is obtained.

    申春雪, 张洪奎
    2005, 20(4):  411-417. 
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    By employing a generalized Riccati technique and an integral averaging technique, new interval oscillation criteria are established for the forced second-order half-linear differential equation [r(t)|x’(t)|α-1x’(t)]’+q(t)|x(t)|α-1x(t)=e(t).

    2005, 20(4):  418-422. 
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    In this paper, the sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of certain second order nonlinea neutral equations with continuous distributed delay.

    2005, 20(4):  423-429. 
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    In this paper, we mainly concerned about the nilpotence of Lie triple algebras. We give the definition of nilpotence of the Lie triple algebra and obtained that if Lie triple algebra is nilpotent, then its standard enveloping Lie algebra is nilpotent.

    黄佳, 徐俊明
    2005, 20(4):  430-434. 
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    P Kulasinghe and S Bettayeb showed that any multiply-twisted hypercube with five or more dimensions is not vertex-transitive. This note shows that any multiply-twisted hypercube with four or less dimensions is vertex-transitive, and that any multiply-twisted hypercube with three or larger dimensions is not edge-transitive.

    石金娥, 张志平
    2005, 20(4):  435-437. 
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    This paper gives the relation between the precise controllabilities of two distribution parameter systems.

    张群, 宋中山
    2005, 20(4):  438-440. 
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    In this note, we reported some results of homeomorphic classification of graphlike manifolds of which contractions are edges of pyramids, and the number of vertexes of the base of a pyramid, equal to 6 or 7 or 8.