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    2006年 第21卷 第1期    刊出日期:2006-03-30
    2006, 21(1):  1-3. 
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    The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the general Smarandache multiplicative sequence based on the Smarandache multiplicative sequence, and calculate the value of some infinite series involving these sequences.

    2006, 21(1):  4-9. 
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    In this paper, the integral-type Stancu operators on a simplex is considered and its inverse theorem of approximation in Lp(1≤p<+∞)has been obtained.

    杨有龙, 吴艳
    2006, 21(1):  10-14. 
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    In this paper, we show that the invertible operator T, which is a bounded linear functional on a separable Hilbert space H, could factor as T=US, where U is unitary and 5 belongs to width-two CSL algebra alg when nest M or N is a countable nest, or S belongs to alg when nests M and N are countable nests. For the factorization of nest,we obtain that T factors as T=US where S∈D-1N and U is unitary as N be a countable nest.

    王蓉华, 费鹤良
    2006, 21(1):  15-27. 
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    n present paper, we derive the quasi-least squares estimation(QLSE) and approximate maximum likelihood estimation(AMLE) for the Birnbaum-Saunders fatigue life distribution under multiply Type-Ⅱcensoring. Furthermore, we get the variance and covariance of the approximate maximum likelihood estimation.

    梁庆文, 缪柏其, 王大鹏
    2006, 21(1):  28-32. 
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    Let {vij}, i, j = 1, 2,…, be i.i.d. random variables with Ev11= 0, E2v11=1 and ai = (ai1,…,aiM) be random vectors with {aij} being i.i.d. random variables. Define XN=(x1,…, XK) and ...  The spectral distribution of SN is proven to converge, with probability one, to a nonrandom distribution function under mild conditions.

    2006, 21(1):  33-37. 
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    This paper considers the existence problem of an elliptic equation, which is equivalent to solving the so called prescribing conformal Gaussian curvature problem on the hyperbolic disc H2. An existence result is proved. In particular, K(x) is allowed to be unbounded above.

    郝建修, 杨爱峰
    2006, 21(1):  38-43. 
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    The problem studied in this paper is to determine e(p, C), the minimum size of a connected graph G with given vertex number p and cut-width C.

    2006, 21(1):  44-48. 
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    NURBS curves are convexity preserving, i.e. once the control polygon is convex, the associated NURBS curve will also be convex. In this paper this property is proved geometrically.

    杨宁, 杨晗
    2006, 21(1):  49-56. 
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     In this paper,we study how much regularity of initial data is needed to ensure existence of a local solution to the following semilinear wave equations …. We proved that the range of s is ,respectively,with if  n=2, and δ>0 if n=3, and δ≥0 if n≥4. Which  is  consistent   with  Lindblad's  counterexamples [3] for n=3, and the main ingredient is the use of the Strichartz estimates and the refinement of these.
    马东魁, 徐志庭
    2006, 21(1):  57-61. 
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    In this paper,a necessary and sufficient condition of a measure to be the product Borel probability measure on the product space of some compact metric spaces are given.

    2006, 21(1):  62-65. 
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    Kotzig put forward a question on strongly-regular self-complementary graphs, that is, for any natural number k, whether there exists a strongly-regular self- complementary graph whose order is 4k+1, where 4k+1=x2+y2, x and y are positive integers; what is the minimum number that made there exist at least two non-isomorphic strongly-regular self-complementary graphs. In this paper, we use two famous lemmas to generalize the existential conditions for strongly-regular self-complementary circular graphs with 4k+1 orders.
    秦建国, 宋光艾
    2006, 21(1):  66-70. 
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    Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of the general solution, the centrosymmetric solution, and the centroskewsymmetric solution to a system of linear matrix equations over an arbitrary skew field. The representations of such the solutions of the system are also derived.

    孔繁超, 王金亮
    2006, 21(1):  71-79. 
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    This paper is a further investigation into the large deviations for random sums of heavy-tailed,we extended and improved some results in ref. [1] and [2]. These results can applied to some questions in Insurance and Finance.

    张志平, 王建平
    2006, 21(1):  80-84. 
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    In this paper, we are concerned with the problem of stabilization for autonomous dynamical systems. We use theories in Liapunov stability and Lasalle stability theory and show that system (H) is stabilizable.

    2006, 21(1):  85-89. 
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    In this paper, the high order delay Duffing equation ax(2n)+bx+g(x(t-τ)) =p(t) are considered,using the theory of coincidence degree, the sufficient condition for its there being at least a 2π-periodic solution is obtained.

    2006, 21(1):  90-95. 
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    A class of quasilinear Robin problems with boundary perturbation are considered. Under suitable conditions, using theory of differential inequalities the asymptotic behavior of solution for the boundary value problem is studied.

    2006, 21(1):  96-102. 
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    This paper gives a new generalization of Hilbert’s inequality with a best constant factor involving theβfunction. An applications, we consider the equivalent form and some particular results.

    2006, 21(1):  103-109. 
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    In this paper, the single machine scheduling problem with release dates and two hierarchical criteria is discussed. The first criterion is to minimize makespan, and the second criterion is to minimize stocking cost. We show that this problem is strongly NP-hard. We also give an O(n2) time algorithm for the special case that all stocking costs of jobs in unit time are 1.

    2006, 21(1):  110-114. 
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    This paper analysis the local behavior of the bivariate quadratic function approximation to a bivariate function which has a given power series expansion about the origin. It is shown that the bivariate quadratic Hermite-Pade form always defines a bivariate quadratic function and that this function is analytic in a neighborhood of the origin.

    2006, 21(1):  115-123. 
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    In this paper, we consider a class of bounded Reinhardt domains Dα(m, n1,…,nm). The Bergman kernel function K(z,z), the Bergman metric matrix T(z,z), the Cauchy-Szego kernel function S(z,ζ) are obtained. Then we prove that the formal Poisson kernel function is not a Poisson kernel function. At last, we prove that Dα is a quasiconvex domain and Dα is a stronger quasiconvex domain if and only if Dα is a hypersphere.

    姚远, 史本山
    2006, 21(1):  124-128. 
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    The question of optimal portfolio is that finds the trading strategy satisfying the maximal expected utility function subject to some constraints. There is the optimal trading strategy under the risk neutral probability measure (martingale measure) if and only if there is no-arbitrage opportunity in the market. This paper argues the optimal wealth and the optimal value of expected utility with different utility function.

    程伟, 谭尚旺
    2006, 21(1):  129-137. 
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    Let (V, U) be the vertex-partition of tree T as a bipartite graph. T is called an (m,n)-tree if |V|=m and |U| = n. For given positive integers m,n and d, the maximum spectral radius of all (m,n)-trees on diameter d are obtained, and all extreme graphs are determined.

    刘杰明, 王志军
    2006, 21(1):  138-142. 
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    In this paper, we deduce growth and covering theorem for f(x) by the other means,where f(x) is strongly spirallike mapping of type β with orderαdefined on Unit Ball B of complex Banach space. and still give growth upper bound and distortion upper bound for subordinate mapping.

    王治国, 张驿
    2006, 21(1):  143-147. 
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    In this paper, we discussed k-factors and spanning subgraph, and propose a conjecture which will lead to a series of important conclusion.

    李小申, 高克权
    2006, 21(1):  148-158. 
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    In market, excess demands for many products can be met by reorder even during one period, and retailers usually adopt substitution strategy for more benefit. Under the retailer’s substitution strategy and permission of reorder, we develop the profits maximization model for the two-substitutable-product inventory problem with stochastic demands and proportional costs and revenues. We show that the objective function is concave and submodular, and therefore the optimal policy exists. We present the optimal conditions for order quantity and provide some properties of the optimal order quantities. Comparing our model with Netessine and Rudi’s, we prove that reorder and adoption of the substitution strategy can raise the general profits and adjust down the general stock level.