数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 91-94.

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  1. Dept. of  Math.,Hebei   University,Baoding,071002

  • 收稿日期:1996-01-20 出版日期:1997-03-30 发布日期:2024-12-16

On the Smallest Base of the Stone Space

  1. Dept. of  Math.,Hebei   University,Baoding,071002
  • Received:1996-01-20 Online:1997-03-30 Published:2024-12-16

摘要: In this paper,first we define the concept of strong open set for topological space. Then we prove: 1 ) a distributive lattice L possesses the smallest set of generating elements if and only if the Stone space (L) of L possesses a smallest base constructed by strong open sets; 2) a Bollean lattice B possesses the smallest set of generating elements if and only if B is a finite Boolean lattice. 

关键词: Stone space, strong open set, smallest base, smallest set of generating elements ,

Abstract: In this paper,first we define the concept of strong open set for topological space. Then we prove: 1 ) a distributive lattice L possesses the smallest set of generating elements if and only if the Stone space (L) of L possesses a smallest base constructed by strong open sets; 2) a Bollean lattice B possesses the smallest set of generating elements if and only if B is a finite Boolean lattice. 

Key words: Stone space, strong open set, smallest base, smallest set of generating elements ,
