数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4): 55-62.

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  1. Haerbin  University  of Science  and  Technology

  • 收稿日期:1996-07-13 出版日期:1997-12-30 发布日期:2024-11-14

The U-property of Orlicz Sequence Spaces

  1. Haerbin  University  of Science  and  Technology
  • Received:1996-07-13 Online:1997-12-30 Published:2024-11-14

摘要: For Orlicz sequence spaces,the criteria of U-property are given. 

关键词: Orlicz sequene spaces, the U-property

Abstract: For Orlicz sequence spaces,the criteria of U-property are given. 

Key words: Orlicz sequene spaces, the U-property
