数学季刊 ›› 1998, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 68-73.

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On the Existence of Positive Solution for n OrderSingular Boundary Value Problems


  1.  Jinan School of Petrochemical Economy,Shandong,Jinan,250101
  • 收稿日期:1997-10-24 出版日期:1998-09-30 发布日期:2024-10-24

On the Existence of Positive Solution for n OrderSingular Boundary Value Problems

  1.  Jinan School of Petrochemical Economy,Shandong,Jinan,250101
  • Received:1997-10-24 Online:1998-09-30 Published:2024-10-24

摘要: In this paper,we consider the high order singular boundary value problems: u (n) (t)+a(t)f(u(t))=0, 00,t∈(0,1). a(t) may be singular at t=0,t=1. f(u)∈c[0,+∞) and f(u). n is positive integer and n. When f(u) satisfies the superlinear and sublinear conditions,we give the sufficient conditions to the existence of the positive solution.

关键词:  , singular BVP;superlinear;sublinear;positive solution;cone

Abstract: In this paper,we consider the high order singular boundary value problems: u (n) (t)+a(t)f(u(t))=0, 00,t∈(0,1). a(t) may be singular at t=0,t=1. f(u)∈c[0,+∞) and f(u). n is positive integer and n. When f(u) satisfies the superlinear and sublinear conditions,we give the sufficient conditions to the existence of the positive solution. 

Key words:  , singular BVP;superlinear;sublinear;positive solution;cone
