1.Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics ,Beijing 100088,China;Department of Ba- sic Courses ,Jiaoz uo University ,Jiaozuo 454003,China;2.Computer Center , Henan Unv iersity ,Kaifeng 475001,China
作者简介:WANG Yue-shan(1962-),male ,native of Jiaozuo ,Henan ,an associated professor of Jiaozuo University , M.S.D.,engages in harmonic analysis .
Supported by the Naturel Science Foundation of Henan Province(0211050300);Supported by the Natu- ral Science Foundation of Henan University(XK01069)
Boundedness of Operators in Morrey Spaces over Vilenkin Group
1.Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics ,Beijing 100088,China;Department of Ba- sic Courses ,Jiaoz uo University ,Jiaozuo 454003,China;2.Computer Center , Henan Unv iersity ,Kaifeng 475001,China
About author:WANG Yue-shan(1962-),male ,native of Jiaozuo ,Henan ,an associated professor of Jiaozuo University , M.S.D.,engages in harmonic analysis .
Supported by:
Supported by the Naturel Science Foundation of Henan Province(0211050300);Supported by the Natu- ral Science Foundation of Henan University(XK01069)
摘要: Let G be a locally compact Vilenkin group .We will establish the boundedness in Morrey spaces Lp ,λ( G)for a large class of sublinear operators and linear commutators .
WANG Yue-shan , ZHU Xiu-ge . Boundedness of Operators in Morrey Spaces over Vilenkin Group[J]. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2003, 18(3): 315-319.