1.Department of Information Engineering , North China Institute of Water Conserv ancy and Hydroelectric Power ,Zhengz hou 450008,China;2.Department of Mathematics ,Yellow River Conserv ancy Technical In- stit ute ,Kaifeng 475001,China
作者简介:YANG Qiao(1955-) male native of Xiayi Henan an associate professor of North China Instituter of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power M.S.D. engages in differential equations and complex approximation theory .
Some Growth Rates of Certain Holomorphic Maps
1.Department of Information Engineering , North China Institute of Water Conserv ancy and Hydroelectric Power ,Zhengz hou 450008,China;2.Department of Mathematics ,Yellow River Conserv ancy Technical In- stit ute ,Kaifeng 475001,China
About author:YANG Qiao(1955-) male native of Xiayi Henan an associate professor of North China Instituter of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power M.S.D. engages in differential equations and complex approximation theory .