数学季刊 ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 92-97.
摘要: Let G be a simple graph of order at least 2. A VE-total-coloring using k colors of a graph G is a mapping f from V (G) E(G) into {1,2,···,k} such that no edge receives the same color as one of its endpoints. Let C(u)={f(u)} {f(uv) | uv ∈ E(G)} be the color-set of u. If C(u)=C(v) for any two vertices u and v of V (G), then f is called a k-vertex-distinguishing VE-total coloring of G or a k-VDVET coloring of G for short. The minimum number of colors required for a VDVET coloring of G is denoted by χvevt(G) and it is called the VDVET chromatic number of G. In this paper we get cycle Cn, path Pn and complete graph Kn of their VDVET chromatic numbers and propose a related conjecture.