数学季刊 ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.

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  1. 1. Southwest Electronics and Telecommunication Technology Research Institute 2. Institute of Information and Computation Science, Wuhan College of Zhongnan University of Econimics and Law

  • 收稿日期:2007-03-19 出版日期:2012-03-30 发布日期:2023-03-31
  • 作者简介:TANG Lin-shan(1983-), male, native of Yili, Xingjiang, a engineer of Southwest Electronics and Telecommunication Technology Research Institute, engages in differential equation; JIANG Cheng-shun(1960-), male, native of Anqing, Anhui, a professor of Wuhan College of Zhongnan University of Economics and law, Ph.D., engages in differential equation.

Existence of Solutions to the Higher Order Nonlinear Differential Equations

  1. 1. Southwest Electronics and Telecommunication Technology Research Institute 2. Institute of Information and Computation Science, Wuhan College of Zhongnan University of Econimics and Law

  • Received:2007-03-19 Online:2012-03-30 Published:2023-03-31
  • About author:TANG Lin-shan(1983-), male, native of Yili, Xingjiang, a engineer of Southwest Electronics and Telecommunication Technology Research Institute, engages in differential equation; JIANG Cheng-shun(1960-), male, native of Anqing, Anhui, a professor of Wuhan College of Zhongnan University of Economics and law, Ph.D., engages in differential equation.

摘要: This paper is concerned with the following n-th ordinary differential equation: {u(n)(t) = ...=0, where a, c ∈ R, ≥, such that a2+b2 >0 and c2+d2>0, n ≥ 2, f: [0,1] × R → R is a continuous function. Assume that f satisfies one-sided Nagumo condition, the existence theorems of solutions of the boundary value problem for the n-th-order nonlinear differential equations above are established by using Leray-Schauder degree theory, lower and upper solutions, a priori estimate technique. 

关键词: n-th order boundary value problems, one-sided Nagumo condition, lower and upper solutions, a priori estimates, Leray-Schauder degree

Abstract: This paper is concerned with the following n-th ordinary differential equation: {u(n)(t) = ...=0, where a, c ∈ R, ≥, such that a2+b2 >0 and c2+d2>0, n ≥ 2, f: [0,1] × R → R is a continuous function. Assume that f satisfies one-sided Nagumo condition, the existence theorems of solutions of the boundary value problem for the n-th-order nonlinear differential equations above are established by using Leray-Schauder degree theory, lower and upper solutions, a priori estimate technique. 

Key words: n-th order boundary value problems, one-sided Nagumo condition, lower and upper solutions, a priori estimates, Leray-Schauder degree
