数学季刊 ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 259-269.

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  1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hexi University

  • 收稿日期:2010-10-08 出版日期:2012-06-30 发布日期:2023-03-29
  • 作者简介:MA Tong-yi(1959-), male, native of Huining, Gansu, a professor of Hexi University, engaged in convex geometric analysis and distance geometry study.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the NNSF of China(11161019); Supported by the Foundation of the Education Department of Gansu Province(1009B-09)

On the Busemann-Petty’s Problem for Lp-intersection Body

  1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hexi University

  • Received:2010-10-08 Online:2012-06-30 Published:2023-03-29
  • About author:MA Tong-yi(1959-), male, native of Huining, Gansu, a professor of Hexi University, engaged in convex geometric analysis and distance geometry study.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the NNSF of China(11161019); Supported by the Foundation of the Education Department of Gansu Province(1009B-09)

摘要: Haberl and Ludwig introduced the Lp-intersection body IpK for an origin-symmetric star body K in Rn, where p < 1 and p ≠ 0. In this paper, we consider the Busemann-Petty’s problem for Lp-intersection bodies IpK and IpL. That is, whether IpK  IpL implies Voln(K) ≤ Voln(L). We obtain that for two origin-symmetric star bodies K and L in Rn, such that (Rn, ||·||K) embeds in Lp and IpK  IpL, then voln(K) ≤ voln(L) for 0 < p < 1 and voln(K) ≥ voln(L) for p < 0. 

关键词: star body, Lp-intersection bodies, isometrically embedded in Lp, generalized cosine transforms

Abstract: Haberl and Ludwig introduced the Lp-intersection body IpK for an origin-symmetric star body K in Rn, where p < 1 and p ≠ 0. In this paper, we consider the Busemann-Petty’s problem for Lp-intersection bodies IpK and IpL. That is, whether IpK  IpL implies Voln(K) ≤ Voln(L). We obtain that for two origin-symmetric star bodies K and L in Rn, such that (Rn, ||·||K) embeds in Lp and IpK  IpL, then voln(K) ≤ voln(L) for 0 < p < 1 and voln(K) ≥ voln(L) for p < 0. 

Key words: star body, Lp-intersection bodies, isometrically embedded in Lp, generalized cosine transforms
