数学季刊 ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 545-555.

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ZHOU Juan, ZHU Yue-ping   

  1. School of Science, Nantong University

  • 收稿日期:2011-04-08 出版日期:2012-12-30 发布日期:2023-03-15
  • 通讯作者: ZHU Yue-ping(1965-), female, native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu, a professor of Nantong University, Ph.D., engages in harmonic analysis(corresponding author).
  • 作者简介:ZHOU Juan(1987-), female, native of Rugao, Jiangsu, graduted student; ZHU Yue-ping(1965-), female, native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu, a professor of Nantong University, Ph.D., engages in harmonic analysis(corresponding author).
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10971228); Supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Plan for Graduate Students of Jiangsu Educational Department(CXZZll-0633); Supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Plan for Graduate Students of Nantong University (YKC111051); Supported by the NSF of Nantong University(llZY002)

Boundedness of Multilinear Singular Integrals and Their Commutators on Morrey-Herz Spaces with Non-doubling Measures 

  1. School of Science, Nantong University

  • Received:2011-04-08 Online:2012-12-30 Published:2023-03-15
  • Contact: ZHU Yue-ping(1965-), female, native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu, a professor of Nantong University, Ph.D., engages in harmonic analysis(corresponding author).
  • About author:ZHOU Juan(1987-), female, native of Rugao, Jiangsu, graduted student; ZHU Yue-ping(1965-), female, native of Jingjiang, Jiangsu, a professor of Nantong University, Ph.D., engages in harmonic analysis(corresponding author).
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10971228); Supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Plan for Graduate Students of Jiangsu Educational Department(CXZZll-0633); Supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Plan for Graduate Students of Nantong University (YKC111051); Supported by the NSF of Nantong University(llZY002)

摘要: Let μ be a non-negative Radon measure on Rd which satisfies some growth conditions. The boundedness of multilinear Calderon-Zygmund singular integral operator T and its commutators with RBMO functions on Morrey-Herz spaces are obtained if T is bounded from L1(μ)×…×L1(μ) to L1/m,∞(μ).

关键词:  non-doubling measure, multilinear singular integral operator, commutator, Morrey-Herz space

Abstract: Let μ be a non-negative Radon measure on Rd which satisfies some growth conditions. The boundedness of multilinear Calderon-Zygmund singular integral operator T and its commutators with RBMO functions on Morrey-Herz spaces are obtained if T is bounded from L1(μ)×…×L1(μ) to L1/m,∞(μ).

Key words:  non-doubling measure, multilinear singular integral operator, commutator, Morrey-Herz space
