数学季刊 ›› 2011, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 131-137.

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  1. 1. School of Statistics and Mathematics, Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College2. School of Mathematical Sciences, Inner Mongolia University

  • 收稿日期:2006-12-27 出版日期:2011-03-30 发布日期:2023-05-12
  • 作者简介:WANG Jin-feng(1980- ), female, native of Huludao, Liaoning, a lecturer of Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College, engages in the theories and numerical methods for differential equations.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by NNSF(10601022,11061021); Supported by NSF of Inner Mongolia Au-tonomous Region(200607010106); Supported by SRP of Higher Schools of Inner Mongolia(NJ10006);

Error Estimates of H1-Galerkin Mixed Methods for the Viscoelasticity Wave Equation

  1. 1. School of Statistics and Mathematics, Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College2. School of Mathematical Sciences, Inner Mongolia University
  • Received:2006-12-27 Online:2011-03-30 Published:2023-05-12
  • About author:WANG Jin-feng(1980- ), female, native of Huludao, Liaoning, a lecturer of Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College, engages in the theories and numerical methods for differential equations.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by NNSF(10601022,11061021); Supported by NSF of Inner Mongolia Au-tonomous Region(200607010106); Supported by SRP of Higher Schools of Inner Mongolia(NJ10006);

摘要: H1-Galerkin mixed methods are proposed for viscoelasticity wave equation. Depending on the physical quantities of interest, two methods are discussed. The optimal error estimates and the proof of the existence and uniqueness of semidiscrete solutions are derived for problems in one space dimension. And the methods don’t require the LBB condition.

关键词: viscoelasticity wave equation, H1-Galerkin mixed ?nite element methods, existence and uniqueness, optimal error estimates

Abstract: H1-Galerkin mixed methods are proposed for viscoelasticity wave equation. Depending on the physical quantities of interest, two methods are discussed. The optimal error estimates and the proof of the existence and uniqueness of semidiscrete solutions are derived for problems in one space dimension. And the methods don’t require the LBB condition.

Key words: viscoelasticity wave equation, H1-Galerkin mixed ?nite element methods, existence and uniqueness, optimal error estimates
