数学季刊 ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 407-413.

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  1. College of Sciences, Hubei University of Technology
  • 收稿日期:2007-06-28 出版日期:2010-09-30 发布日期:2023-05-25
  • 作者简介:TIAN De-sheng(1966- ), male, native of Gucheng, Hubei, an associate professor of Hubei University of Technology, Ph.D., engages in qualitative theory of differential equation, biology mathematics.
  • 基金资助:
     Supported by the Science and Technical Foundation to Hubei University of Technology[2006(5)];

Existence of Two Periodic Solutions of a Delayed Single Species Model with Feedback Regulation and Harvest Term 

  1. College of Sciences, Hubei University of Technology

  • Received:2007-06-28 Online:2010-09-30 Published:2023-05-25
  • About author:TIAN De-sheng(1966- ), male, native of Gucheng, Hubei, an associate professor of Hubei University of Technology, Ph.D., engages in qualitative theory of differential equation, biology mathematics.
  • Supported by:
     Supported by the Science and Technical Foundation to Hubei University of Technology[2006(5)];

摘要: By means of the continuation theorem of the coincidence degree theory, the existence of two periodic solutions of a delayed single species model with feedback regulation and harvest term is obtained.

关键词: two periodic solutions, delayed single-species model, feedback regulation and
harvest term,
continuation theorem of the coincidence degree theory

Abstract: By means of the continuation theorem of the coincidence degree theory, the existence of two periodic solutions of a delayed single species model with feedback regulation and harvest term is obtained.

Key words: two periodic solutions, delayed single-species model, feedback regulation and
harvest term,
continuation theorem of the coincidence degree theory
