数学季刊 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 543-550.

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  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Huanghuai College2. Department of Mathematics, Henan Science and Technology University

  • 收稿日期:2007-10-17 出版日期:2009-12-30 发布日期:2023-06-19
  • 作者简介:QU He-mei(1956-), female, native of Biyang, Henan, an associate profssor of Huanghuai College, engages in uncertain information processing; XUE Zhen-xia(1980-), female, native of Lingbao, Henan, a lecturer of Henan Science and Technology University, engaged in optimization theory and application.
  • 基金资助:
     Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60574075);

Optimality of Vector Optimization Involving Generalized Type-I Functions in Banach 

  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Huanghuai College2. Department of Mathematics, Henan Science and Technology University
  • Received:2007-10-17 Online:2009-12-30 Published:2023-06-19
  • About author:QU He-mei(1956-), female, native of Biyang, Henan, an associate profssor of Huanghuai College, engages in uncertain information processing; XUE Zhen-xia(1980-), female, native of Lingbao, Henan, a lecturer of Henan Science and Technology University, engaged in optimization theory and application.
  • Supported by:
     Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60574075);

摘要: In this note, new classes of generalized type-I functions are introduced for functions between Banach spaces. These generalized type-I functions are then utilized to establish sufficient optimality conditions and duality results for a vector optimization problem with functions defined on a Banach space.

关键词: vector optimization, optimality conditions, type-I functions, duality

Abstract: In this note, new classes of generalized type-I functions are introduced for functions between Banach spaces. These generalized type-I functions are then utilized to establish sufficient optimality conditions and duality results for a vector optimization problem with functions defined on a Banach space.

Key words: vector optimization, optimality conditions, type-I functions, duality
