数学季刊 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 504-510.

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  1. Department of Applied Mathematics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology
  • 收稿日期:2005-09-19 出版日期:2009-12-30 发布日期:2023-06-16
  • 作者简介:WU Jian-rong(1963-), male, native of Suzhou, Jiangsu, a professor of Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Ph.D., engagæ in nonlinear analysis; LIU Hai-yan(1982-), female, native of Zhangjiakou, Hebei, enages in nonlinear analysis.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Science Foundation from the Ministry of Education of Jiangsu Province(04KJD110168,06KJB110107);

Common Fixed Point Theorems for Sequences of Φ-type Contraction Set-valued Mappings

  1. Department of Applied Mathematics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology

  • Received:2005-09-19 Online:2009-12-30 Published:2023-06-16
  • About author:WU Jian-rong(1963-), male, native of Suzhou, Jiangsu, a professor of Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Ph.D., engagæ in nonlinear analysis; LIU Hai-yan(1982-), female, native of Zhangjiakou, Hebei, enages in nonlinear analysis.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Science Foundation from the Ministry of Education of Jiangsu Province(04KJD110168,06KJB110107);

摘要: In complete metric spaces, the common fixed point theorems for sequences of Φ-type contraction set-valued mappings are established, and the corresponding random common fixed point theorems for set-valued mappings are also obtained.

关键词:  sequence of set-valued mappings, common fixed point, random fixed point, metric space

Abstract: In complete metric spaces, the common fixed point theorems for sequences of Φ-type contraction set-valued mappings are established, and the corresponding random common fixed point theorems for set-valued mappings are also obtained.

Key words:  sequence of set-valued mappings, common fixed point, random fixed point, metric space
