数学季刊 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 138-144.

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  1. 1. College of Science, Henan University of Technology2. Department of Mathematics, Zhengzhou University

  • 收稿日期:2008-09-12 出版日期:2009-03-30 发布日期:2023-09-11
  • 作者简介:ZHANG Tong-bin(1964- ), male, native of Qinyang, Henan, an associate professor of Henan University of Technology, engages in research of theory the determined nature and the stability of the ordinary differential equations.
  • 基金资助:
     Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10771198);

Existence for the Green-Lindsay Type Therm-elastic Problem of Nonhomogeneous Media 

  1. 1. College of Science, Henan University of Technology2. Department of Mathematics, Zhengzhou University
  • Received:2008-09-12 Online:2009-03-30 Published:2023-09-11
  • About author:ZHANG Tong-bin(1964- ), male, native of Qinyang, Henan, an associate professor of Henan University of Technology, engages in research of theory the determined nature and the stability of the ordinary differential equations.
  • Supported by:
     Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10771198);

摘要: We study a new model named the Green-Lindsay type therm-elastic model for nonhomogeneous media that consists of a system of dynamic thermoelasticity equations of displacement and dynamic heat conduction equation. We construct the model based on the classical GL-model for homogeneous material. This system is coupled dynamic problem and the displacement field and heat field must be solved at the same time. By using Fadeo-Galerkin method, we proved that the problem we proposed exist unique weak solution under some regular assumption. 

关键词: weak solution, Green-Lindsay problem, therm-elastic problem, nonhomogeneous media

Abstract: We study a new model named the Green-Lindsay type therm-elastic model for nonhomogeneous media that consists of a system of dynamic thermoelasticity equations of displacement and dynamic heat conduction equation. We construct the model based on the classical GL-model for homogeneous material. This system is coupled dynamic problem and the displacement field and heat field must be solved at the same time. By using Fadeo-Galerkin method, we proved that the problem we proposed exist unique weak solution under some regular assumption. 

Key words: weak solution, Green-Lindsay problem, therm-elastic problem, nonhomogeneous media
