数学季刊 ›› 2007, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 364-369.

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  1. 1. Department of Mathematics Zhoukou Normal College  2. Department of Mathematics Zhengzhou University 

  • 收稿日期:2006-12-10 出版日期:2007-09-30 发布日期:2023-10-26
  • 作者简介: GAO Ji-mei(1964-), female, native of Huaiyang, Henan, a lecturer of Zhoukou Normal College, engages in finite element.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Henan Natural Science Foundation(072300410320); Supported by the Henan Education Department Foundational Study Foundation(200510460311)

On the Error Estimate of Adini's Element for the Second Order Problems 

  1. 1. Department of Mathematics Zhoukou Normal College  2. Department of Mathematics Zhengzhou University 
  • Received:2006-12-10 Online:2007-09-30 Published:2023-10-26
  • About author: GAO Ji-mei(1964-), female, native of Huaiyang, Henan, a lecturer of Zhoukou Normal College, engages in finite element.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Henan Natural Science Foundation(072300410320); Supported by the Henan Education Department Foundational Study Foundation(200510460311)

摘要: The main aim of this paper is to have an accurate analysis on the famous Adini’s element for the second order problems under to the anisotropic meshes.We firstly show that the interpolation of Adini’s element satisfy the anisotropic property.Then the optimal error estimate is obtained without the regularity assumption on the meshes.

关键词: Adini's element, anisotropic, regularity assumption, error estimate

Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to have an accurate analysis on the famous Adini’s element for the second order problems under to the anisotropic meshes.We firstly show that the interpolation of Adini’s element satisfy the anisotropic property.Then the optimal error estimate is obtained without the regularity assumption on the meshes.

Key words: Adini's element, anisotropic, regularity assumption, error estimate
