数学季刊 ›› 2006, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 567-576.

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  1. 1. Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering,Henan University  2. College of Mathematics and Information Science,Henan University 

  • 收稿日期:2004-11-18 出版日期:2006-12-30 发布日期:2023-11-21
  • 作者简介:WANG Tian-qin(1968),female,native of Nanyang,Henan,an associate professor of Henan University,Ph.D.,engages in number theory and cryptography;LIU Hua-ke(1967-),female,native of Nanyang, Henan,a lecturer of Henan University,engages in information theory.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan University(05ZDZR001);

Algebraic Independence Measures for the Values of Mahler Type Functions 

  1. 1. Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering,Henan University  2. College of Mathematics and Information Science,Henan University 
  • Received:2004-11-18 Online:2006-12-30 Published:2023-11-21
  • About author:WANG Tian-qin(1968),female,native of Nanyang,Henan,an associate professor of Henan University,Ph.D.,engages in number theory and cryptography;LIU Hua-ke(1967-),female,native of Nanyang, Henan,a lecturer of Henan University,engages in information theory.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan University(05ZDZR001);

摘要: In this paper,we give the algebraic independence measures for the values of Mahler type functions in complex number field and p-adic number field,respectively.

关键词: algebraic independence measure, Mahler type function, p-adic number field 

Abstract: In this paper,we give the algebraic independence measures for the values of Mahler type functions in complex number field and p-adic number field,respectively.

Key words: algebraic independence measure, Mahler type function, p-adic number field 
