数学季刊 ›› 2006, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 242-245.

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  1. MinimDepartment of Mathematics, Zhongzhou Teacher's College, Zhengzhou 450044, China;Luoyang College of Technology, Luoyang 471000, China; Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
  • 收稿日期:2005-12-15 出版日期:2006-06-30 发布日期:2023-12-07
  • 作者简介: MENG Hong-ling(1964-),female,native of Jiaozuo,Henan,M.S.D.,engages in probability statistics.

Minimax Estimation of the Function of Parameters in Normal Distribution

  1. MinimDepartment of Mathematics, Zhongzhou Teacher's College, Zhengzhou 450044, China;Luoyang College of Technology, Luoyang 471000, China; Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
  • Received:2005-12-15 Online:2006-06-30 Published:2023-12-07
  • About author: MENG Hong-ling(1964-),female,native of Jiaozuo,Henan,M.S.D.,engages in probability statistics.

摘要: The estimation of the functionθ=exp{αμ+bσ2} of parameters (μ,σ2) in normal distribution N(μ,σ2) is discussed. And when the prior distributions of μ and σ2 are independent, under the loss function L(θ,δ)=(θ-1×δ-1)2, the Bayesian estimation and the existence and computing method on minimax estimation are deeply discussed.

关键词:  normal , distribution;logarithmic , normal , distribution;prior , distribution, Bayesian estimation;minimax estimation

Abstract: The estimation of the functionθ=exp{αμ+bσ2} of parameters (μ,σ2) in normal distribution N(μ,σ2) is discussed. And when the prior distributions of μ and σ2 are independent, under the loss function L(θ,δ)=(θ-1×δ-1)2, the Bayesian estimation and the existence and computing method on minimax estimation are deeply discussed.

Key words:  normal , distribution;logarithmic , normal , distribution;prior , distribution, Bayesian estimation;minimax estimation
