数学季刊 ›› 2005, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 192-199.

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  1. Department of Mathematics and Physics, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
  • 收稿日期:2005-03-25 出版日期:2005-06-30 发布日期:2024-01-24
  • 作者简介:YANG Wan-cai(1951-),male,native of Zhecheng,Henan,an associate professor of Henan Uni- versity of Science and Technology,M.S.D.,engages in fuzzy math.

Category of Generalized Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

  1. Department of Mathematics and Physics, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, China
  • Received:2005-03-25 Online:2005-06-30 Published:2024-01-24
  • About author:YANG Wan-cai(1951-),male,native of Zhecheng,Henan,an associate professor of Henan Uni- versity of Science and Technology,M.S.D.,engages in fuzzy math.

摘要: In this paper, category GIFS of generalized intuitionistic fuzzy sets(GIF) is built up. Topoi properties of category GIFS are studied. Firstly, it is proved that the category GIFS has all topoi properties except that it has no subobject classifiers, Secondly, it is proved that the category GIFS has middle object and consequently GIFS is a weak topos. Thirdly, by the use of theory of weak topos GIFS, the power object of an object in GIFS is studied.

关键词: category;topos;middle , object;weak topos;generalized , intuitionistic , fuzzy , set

Abstract: In this paper, category GIFS of generalized intuitionistic fuzzy sets(GIF) is built up. Topoi properties of category GIFS are studied. Firstly, it is proved that the category GIFS has all topoi properties except that it has no subobject classifiers, Secondly, it is proved that the category GIFS has middle object and consequently GIFS is a weak topos. Thirdly, by the use of theory of weak topos GIFS, the power object of an object in GIFS is studied.

Key words: category;topos;middle , object;weak topos;generalized , intuitionistic , fuzzy , set
