It provides the boundary proof of the maximal operator on Lipschitz space.i.e.,if f ∈Lipα(Rn)(0<α<1) and
infx∈RnM ( f ) ( x ) <∞,then almost every x ∈Rn has M ( f ) ( x ) <∞ and exists a constant C independent of f and x ,such that M ( f )α≤C<α.
岳优兰, 王月山. 极大算子在Lipα(Rn)(0<α<1)上的有界性[J]. 数学季刊, 1999, 14(2): 108-110.
Yue Youlan, Wang Yueshan. Boundedness of the Maximal Operator on Lipα(Rn)(0<α<1)[J]. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 1999, 14(2): 108-110.