数学季刊 ›› 1998, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 64-66.

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K - Bounded Sets and A - Spaces


  1. Department of Mathematics,Daqing Petroleum Institute,Anda,151400

  • 收稿日期:1996-12-31 出版日期:1998-06-30 发布日期:2024-10-31

K - Bounded Sets and A - Spaces

  1. Department of Mathematics,Daqing Petroleum Institute,Anda,151400
  • Received:1996-12-31 Online:1998-06-30 Published:2024-10-31

摘要: Let E and F be two vector spaces in duality with respect to the bilinear pairing 〈,〉. The weak (Mackey,strong) topology on E will be denoted by σ(E,F) (τ(E,F),β(E,F)). In this paper,we show that AE is σ(E,F) K bounded subset if and only if A is β(E,F) K bounded subset. If τ(E′,E) is a quasi barrelled space,we also give a few characterizations for (E,T) to be A space. 

关键词:  , locally convex space;K-bounded set;A-space

Abstract: Let E and F be two vector spaces in duality with respect to the bilinear pairing 〈,〉. The weak (Mackey,strong) topology on E will be denoted by σ(E,F) (τ(E,F),β(E,F)). In this paper,we show that AE is σ(E,F) K bounded subset if and only if A is β(E,F) K bounded subset. If τ(E′,E) is a quasi barrelled space,we also give a few characterizations for (E,T) to be A space. 

Key words:  , locally convex space;K-bounded set;A-space
