数学季刊 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 84-92.

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B-vex  Fuzzy  Mappings  and  Its  Application  to  Fuzzy Optimization    Problems


  1. Institute  of  Quantitative  Econonics,Dongbei   University   of Finance   &.Economy,Dalian,116025

  • 收稿日期:1996-02-02 出版日期:1996-12-30 发布日期:2024-12-23

B-vex  Fuzzy  Mappings  and  Its  Application  to  Fuzzy Optimization    Problems

  1. Institute  of  Quantitative  Econonics,Dongbei   University   of Finance   &.Economy,Dalian,116025
  • Received:1996-02-02 Online:1996-12-30 Published:2024-12-23

摘要:  The concept of b-vex and logarithmic b-vex for fuzzy mappings are introduced by relax-  ing the definition of convexity of a fuzzy mapping.Most of the basic properties of b-vex fuzzy map- ping are discussed and established for the nondifferentiable case.Necessary and sufficient condi- tions for b-vex fuzzy mapping are presented.Sevaral important results are given for nonlinear fuzzy optimization problems assuming that the objective and constraint functions are b-vex fuzzy map- pings.

关键词:  fuzzy set;fuzzy numbers;fuzzy distance;convex fuzzy sets;b-vex fuzzy mapping, logarithmic b-vex fuzzy mapping

Abstract:  The concept of b-vex and logarithmic b-vex for fuzzy mappings are introduced by relax-  ing the definition of convexity of a fuzzy mapping.Most of the basic properties of b-vex fuzzy map- ping are discussed and established for the nondifferentiable case.Necessary and sufficient condi- tions for b-vex fuzzy mapping are presented.Sevaral important results are given for nonlinear fuzzy optimization problems assuming that the objective and constraint functions are b-vex fuzzy map- pings.

Key words:  fuzzy set;fuzzy numbers;fuzzy distance;convex fuzzy sets;b-vex fuzzy mapping, logarithmic b-vex fuzzy mapping
