数学季刊 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 55-58.

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Some Results on Br-Spaces


  1. Dept. of   Math.,Zhongshan   University,Guangzhou,510275;Dept. of   Math.,Northwvest   University,Xian,710069

  • 收稿日期:1995-08-29 出版日期:1996-09-30 发布日期:2024-12-27

Some Results on Br-Spaces

  1. Dept. of   Math.,Zhongshan   University,Guangzhou,510275;Dept. of   Math.,Northwvest   University,Xian,710069
  • Received:1995-08-29 Online:1996-09-30 Published:2024-12-27

摘要: In this paper,the following results are obtained: (1) The Sorgenfrey Line is a non-Br- space; (2) We introduce Well-distributed complete spaces and locally Cech complete spaces and prove both the two classes of spacs are Br-spaces. The first result shows that there is the non-Br- space which is paracompact, Lindelof and complete quasi-metric. The second result generalizes the Byczowski &. Pol theorem(i. e. Cech-complete spaces are Br-spaces) in two aspect... 

关键词:  Br-spaces;Sorgenfrey Line;Well-distributed complete spaces;locally Cech-complete , spaces

Abstract: In this paper,the following results are obtained: (1) The Sorgenfrey Line is a non-Br- space; (2) We introduce Well-distributed complete spaces and locally Cech complete spaces and prove both the two classes of spacs are Br-spaces. The first result shows that there is the non-Br- space which is paracompact, Lindelof and complete quasi-metric. The second result generalizes the Byczowski &. Pol theorem(i. e. Cech-complete spaces are Br-spaces) in two aspect... 

Key words:  Br-spaces;Sorgenfrey Line;Well-distributed complete spaces;locally Cech-complete , spaces
