数学季刊 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 82-85.

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Cleavability  of  Non-multiplicative   Spaces and  Arhangel'skii  Problems


  1. Department   of   Mathematics,Ningde   Teachers'College,Ningde,Fujian.352100

  • 收稿日期:1994-10-22 出版日期:1996-03-30 发布日期:2025-02-27
  • 基金资助:
    Supportcd by Mathcmatical Tianyuan Foundation of NNSF and NSF of Fujian Provincce,China. 

Cleavability  of  Non-multiplicative   Spaces and  Arhangel'skii  Problems

  1. Department   of   Mathematics,Ningde   Teachers'College,Ningde,Fujian.352100
  • Received:1994-10-22 Online:1996-03-30 Published:2025-02-27
  • Supported by:
    Supportcd by Mathcmatical Tianyuan Foundation of NNSF and NSF of Fujian Provincce,China. 

摘要: Arhangel'skii  posed  the  problem;How  a  class  of topological  spaces  has  the  orthogo- nality  or  cleavability?The  partial  solution  on  this  problem  has  been  obtained  for  the  class  of  spaces  which   are  multiplicative  by   Arhangel'skii,Bella  and  the  others.In  this  paper  we   shall prove that some classes of generalized metric spaces which are non-multiplicative also have the orthogonality  or  cleavability.

关键词:  , orthogonality:cleavability, coperfect , property, generalized , metric , space

Abstract: Arhangel'skii  posed  the  problem;How  a  class  of topological  spaces  has  the  orthogo- nality  or  cleavability?The  partial  solution  on  this  problem  has  been  obtained  for  the  class  of  spaces  which   are  multiplicative  by   Arhangel'skii,Bella  and  the  others.In  this  paper  we   shall prove that some classes of generalized metric spaces which are non-multiplicative also have the orthogonality  or  cleavability.

Key words:  , orthogonality:cleavability, coperfect , property, generalized , metric , space
