数学季刊 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 100-106.

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The  Convergance  Properties  of  Quasi   Hemite-Fejer Interpolation  Polynomial on  the Disturbance  Chebyshev  Knot


  1. Henan University 475001

  • 收稿日期:1995-01-06 出版日期:1996-03-30 发布日期:2025-02-27

The  Convergance  Properties  of  Quasi   Hemite-Fejer Interpolation  Polynomial on  the Disturbance  Chebyshev  Knot

  1. Henan University 475001
  • Received:1995-01-06 Online:1996-03-30 Published:2025-02-27

摘要: This paper discover that when disturbance occurs on Chebyshev knot,so long as the disturbance amount does not exceed ),then the course of the quasi Hemite-Fejer interpolation on the disturbed Chebyshev knot still keeps the converge uniformly properites for any continuous function on[-1.1].Besides ,the paper estimates the convergance rate.

关键词:  , disturbing Chebyshev Knot, quasi H-F interpolation, convergance properiters, approximating order

Abstract: This paper discover that when disturbance occurs on Chebyshev knot,so long as the disturbance amount does not exceed ),then the course of the quasi Hemite-Fejer interpolation on the disturbed Chebyshev knot still keeps the converge uniformly properites for any continuous function on[-1.1].Besides ,the paper estimates the convergance rate.

Key words:  , disturbing Chebyshev Knot, quasi H-F interpolation, convergance properiters, approximating order
