数学季刊 ›› 2016, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 349-358.doi: 10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2016.04.003

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  1. College of Mathematics and Statistics,Northwest Normal University. College of Mathematics and Statistics,Hexi University

  • 收稿日期:2014-05-30 出版日期:2016-12-30 发布日期:2020-10-30
  • 作者简介:LI Xin-hong(1986-), female, native of Lanzhou, Gansu, a postgradute of Northwest Normal University, engages in convex geometric analysis and geometric inequality theory; MA Tong-yi(1959-), male, native of Huining, Gansu, a professor of Hexi University, M.S.D., engages convex geometric analysis, distance geometry, discrete geometry and inequality theory.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11161019);

Some Inequalities for the Lp-polar Curvature Images of Star Bodies


  1. College of Mathematics and Statistics,Northwest Normal University. College of Mathematics and Statistics,Hexi University
  • Received:2014-05-30 Online:2016-12-30 Published:2020-10-30
  • About author:LI Xin-hong(1986-), female, native of Lanzhou, Gansu, a postgradute of Northwest Normal University, engages in convex geometric analysis and geometric inequality theory; MA Tong-yi(1959-), male, native of Huining, Gansu, a professor of Hexi University, M.S.D., engages convex geometric analysis, distance geometry, discrete geometry and inequality theory.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11161019);

摘要: Zhu,Lü and Leng extended the concept of Lp-polar curvature image. We continuously study the Lp-polar curvature image and mainly expound the relations between the volumes of star bodies and their Lp-polar curvature images in this article. We first establish the Lp-affine isoperimetric inequality associated with Lp-polar curvature image. Secondly,we give a monotonic property for Lp-polar curvature image. Finally, we obtain an interesting equation related to Lp-projection body of Lp-polar curvature image and Lp-centroid body. 

关键词: star bodies, convex bodies, Lp-curvature image, Lp-polar curvature image

Abstract: Zhu,Lü and Leng extended the concept of Lp-polar curvature image. We continuously study the Lp-polar curvature image and mainly expound the relations between the volumes of star bodies and their Lp-polar curvature images in this article. We first establish the Lp-affine isoperimetric inequality associated with Lp-polar curvature image. Secondly,we give a monotonic property for Lp-polar curvature image. Finally, we obtain an interesting equation related to Lp-projection body of Lp-polar curvature image and Lp-centroid body. 

Key words: star bodies, convex bodies, Lp-curvature image, Lp-polar curvature image
