数学季刊 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 516-522.doi: 10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2014.04.006

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  1. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University
  • 收稿日期:2012-12-25 出版日期:2014-12-30 发布日期:2020-11-26
  • 作者简介:CHEN Zheng-xin(1976-), male, native of Qichun, Hubei, an associate professor of Fujian Normal University, Ph.D., engages in Representation theory of algebra.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11101084); Supported by the Fujian Province Natural Science Foundation of China;

Linear Commuting Maps on Parabolic Subalgebras of Finite-dimensional Simple Lie Algebras

  1. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University
  • Received:2012-12-25 Online:2014-12-30 Published:2020-11-26
  • About author:CHEN Zheng-xin(1976-), male, native of Qichun, Hubei, an associate professor of Fujian Normal University, Ph.D., engages in Representation theory of algebra.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11101084); Supported by the Fujian Province Natural Science Foundation of China;

摘要: A map φ on a Lie algebra g is called to be commuting if [φ(x), x] = 0 for all x ∈ g. Let L be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic 0, P a parabolic subalgebra of L. In this paper, we prove that a linear mapφon P is commuting if and only if φ is a scalar multiplication map on P. 

关键词: commuting maps, finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras, standard parabolic subalgebras

Abstract: A map φ on a Lie algebra g is called to be commuting if [φ(x), x] = 0 for all x ∈ g. Let L be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic 0, P a parabolic subalgebra of L. In this paper, we prove that a linear mapφon P is commuting if and only if φ is a scalar multiplication map on P. 

Key words: commuting maps, finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras, standard parabolic subalgebras
