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    2004年 第19卷 第4期    刊出日期:2004-12-30
    关于bp空间(0 < p < 1
    胡璋剑, 刘太顺
    2004, 19(4):  331-337. 
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     Let 0 < p < 1. In this paper we prove that the Bergman norm on the p-th Bergman space bp(H) is equivalent to certain "normal direction norm" as well as certain "tangential direction norm", where H = Rn-1 × R+ is the upper half space. As an application, we get the boundedness of harmonic conjugation operators on bp(H).

    秦玉明, 王秀琴, 崔国忠
    2004, 19(4):  338-345. 
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    This paper is concerned with the existence of maximal attractors in Hi (i = 1, 2,4) for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for a polytropic viscous heat conductive ideal gas in bounded annular domains Ωn in Rn(n = 2,3).

    李娜, 刘华珂
    2004, 19(4):  346-349. 
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    The reference [4] proved the consistency of S1 and S2 among Lewis’ five strict implication systems in the modal logic by using the method of the Boolean-valued model. But, in this method, the consistency of S3, S4 and S5 in Lewis’ five strict implication systems is not decided. This paper makes use of the properties: (1) the equivalence of the modal systems S3 and P3, S4 and P4; (2) the modal systems P3 and P4 all contained the modal axiom T(□p → p); (3) the modal axiom T is correspondence to the reflexive property in VB. Hence, the paper proves: (a) ‖As31‖ = 1; (b) ‖AS41‖ = 1; (c) ‖AS5l‖ = 1 in the model <VB, R, ‖ ‖>(where B is a complete Boolean algebra, R is reflexive property in VB). Therefore, the paper finally proves that the Boolean-valued model VB of the ZFC axiom system in set theory is also a Boolean-valued model of Lewis’ the strict implication system S3, S4 and S5. 
    2004, 19(4):  350-354. 
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    In the paper, we introduce Bessel sets in a Hilbert space H, and give an equivalent condition that two Generalized Frames are duals to each other.
    赵培标, 宋鸿藻, 杨孝平
    2004, 19(4):  355-361. 
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    The projective transformation of the special semi-symmetric metric recurrent connection is studied in this paper. First of all, an invariant under this transformation is granted; Secondly, by inducing of the invariant and making use of the properties that the corresponding covariant derivative keeps being fixed under the distinctness connection, the curvature tensor expression of the Riemannian manifold is posed at the same time.

    郝建修, 李湘露
    2004, 19(4):  362-367. 
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    The two-dimensional bandwidth problem is to determine an embedding of graph G in a grid graph in the plane such that the longest edges are as short as possible. In this paper we study the problem under the distance of L-norm.
    2004, 19(4):  368-372. 
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    In this paper the author determine the factorization of p and the number of p-th subfields of the splitting field K of the irreducible binomial xp-m(m is p-th powerfree and p | m) and obtain that all p-th subfields of K have power integral bases and the same discriminant.

    刘安平, 郭艳凤, 杨向辉
    2004, 19(4):  373-378. 
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    In this paper, oscillatory properties of solutions of certain hyperbolic partial differential equations with multi-delays are investigated and a series of sufficient conditions for oscillations of the equations are established. The results fully indicate that the oscillations are caused by delays.

    2004, 19(4):  379-384. 
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    In this paper, we use Ditzian-Totik modulus to study the pointwise approximation for the linear combinations of Szasz-type operators, and obtain the direct and converse theorem and the characterization of the pointwise approximation for the linear combinations of Szasz-type operators.

    王学芳, 徐扬, 宋振明
    2004, 19(4):  385-392. 
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    Lattice implication algebra is an algebraic structure that is established by combining lattice and implicative algebra. It originated from the study on lattice-valued logic. In this paper, we characterize two special classes of lattice implication algebra, namely, subdi-rectly irreducible and directly indecomposable lattice implication algebras. Some important results are obtained.

    楚泽甫, 勒孚龙
    2004, 19(4):  393-398. 
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    Let μ be a positive Radon measure which only satisfies an appropriate growth condition, and RBMO(μ) be the BMO space associated with μ which was introduced by Tolsa. In this paper, it is proved that the definition of RBMO(ρ) can be weakened sufficiently.

    张志平, 王建平
    2004, 19(4):  399-400. 
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    In this paper, we find the largest contant C such that sin2 x + xtanx > 2x2 + cx5tan x 0<x<2/π.

    韩友发, 樊星, 赵岩
    2004, 19(4):  401-406. 
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    State representation is used to discuss the link with two variables, and the estimation of breadth of the two variables(say l and m) is given for 5-links.

    2004, 19(4):  407-411. 
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    In this paper we study the oscillation of the solutions of higher-order functional differential equations, and have given the new integral conditions when equation (1) is oscillatory and extended some known results.x(n)(t)+p(t)x(g(t)) = 0, (1)where n is even number, p(t) ∈ C(R, [0, +∞)), g(t) ∈ C(R; R), ...

    2004, 19(4):  412-415. 
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    A graph is equitably k-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned into k inde- pendent sets of as near equal sizes as possible.In this paper,we determine a suficient and necessary condition for which a complete r-parite graph is equitably k-colorable.From this result,we can provide another way to prove some previous results.
    曹殿立, 梁保松, 叶耀军
    2004, 19(4):  416-421. 
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    This paper deals with the uniqueness of solution to a class of semi-linear heat-conduction equation in higher dimension on the basis of references [1] and [2]. The main results in this paper are as follows: the solution of problem (A) is unique and stable if it exists.

    吕保献, 李秀丽
    2004, 19(4):  422-425. 
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    In this paper we give out a sufficient and solution of quadratic function’s maximum with theory of quadratic form and give out the definition of the positive definite property of the following homogeneous polynomials of degree In two variables function, based on the definite of local maximum of two variables function.

    郑驻军, 汪国安, 卢克平, 罗学波
    2004, 19(4):  426-435. 
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    Based on the concepts of a generalized critical point and the corresponding generalized P.S. condition introduced by Duong Minh Duc [1], we have proved a new Z2 index theorem and get a result on multiplicity of generalized critical points. Using the result and a quite standard variational method, it is found that the equation-ΔHnu = |u|p-1u,x∈H has infinite positive solutions. Our approach can also be applied to study more general nonlinear problems.

    2004, 19(4):  436-440. 
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    The nonlinear strongly singularly perturbed systemε , …, are considered. Under suitable conditions, using the theory of differential inequalities the existence and asymptotic behavior of interior solution for the problems are studied.