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    2020年 第35卷 第4期    刊出日期:2020-12-30
    赵包, 杨赟瑞, 马竹艳
    2020, 35(4):  331-343.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.001
    摘要 ( 146 )   PDF (868KB) ( 196 )  
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     This paper is concerned with traveling waves for an epidemic model with spatio-temporal delays. It is shown that the traveling wave solutions are still persistently existing in the model when the non-locality is caused by small average time delays via the geometric singular perturbation theory and the center manifold theorems.
    吴芮民, 王松柏
    2020, 35(4):  344-353.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.002
    摘要 ( 234 )   PDF (387KB) ( 205 )  
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     Let ϕ be a generalized Orlicz function satisfying (A0), (A1), (A2), (aInc) and (aDec). We prove that the mapping

     f →f #:=supB 1/\int|B||f(x)-fB|dx is continuous on Lϕ(·)(Rn) by extrapolation. Based on this result we generalize Korn’s inequality to the setting of generalized Orlicz spaces, i.e., ||\triangledown f||L^{ϕ(·)}(Ω)  \lesssim||DF|||L^{ϕ}(Ω) . Using the Calder´on–Zygmund theory on generalized Orlicz spaces, we obtain that the divergence equation divu=f has a solution u∈(W01,ϕ(·)(Ω))such that ||\triangledown u||L^{ϕ(·)}(Ω) \lesssim ||f||L^{ϕ}(Ω).

    屈德强, 吴丹, 尚有林
    2020, 35(4):  354-362.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.003
    摘要 ( 238 )   PDF (286KB) ( 230 )  
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    宁菊红, 宋文佩, 黄文平
    2020, 35(4):  363-369.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.004
    摘要 ( 103 )   PDF (315KB) ( 497 )  
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     In the paper, the α-order of the Laplace-Stieltjes Transform is introduced firstly, then we get the relationship between 

    α-order represented by the maximum modulus and α-order represented by An, λn. Lastly, we obtain the relationship between type τ represented by the maximum modulus and type τ represented by An, λn.

    白玉娟, 刘坤, 张琛
    2020, 35(4):  370-387.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.005
    摘要 ( 126 )   PDF (305KB) ( 160 )  
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    Based on the ordering of fuzzy numbers proposed by Goetschel and Voxman, the representations and some properties of strongly preinvex fuzzy-valued function are defined and obtained, several new concepts of strongly monotonicities fuzzy functions are introduced, the relationship among the strongly preinvex, strongly invex and monotonicities under some suitable and appropriate conditions is established and a necessary condition for strongly pseudoinvex functions is given. As an application, the conditions of local optimal solution and global optimal solution in the mathematical programming problem are discussed.
    何东林, 李煜彦
    2020, 35(4):  388-396.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.006
    摘要 ( 118 )   PDF (376KB) ( 222 )  
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    In this paper, we introduce the definition of n-star subcategories, which is a generalization of n-star modules and n-C-star modules. We give some characterizations of n-star subcategories, and prove that M is an n-P-tilting subcategory with respect to cotorsion triple (P, R-Mod, I), if and only if M is an n-star subcategory with I ⊆Presn(M), where P denotes the subcategory of projective left R-modules and I denotes the subcategory of injective left R-modules.
    马丽, 王如, 韩新方
    2020, 35(4):  397-400.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.007
    摘要 ( 100 )   PDF (243KB) ( 206 )  
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    For multi-dimensional integer-valued sequence, a new proof of the upperbound and lower-bound estimations on the product of all its components is given in this paper. Those estimations are very important to characterize the Kondratiev space of random test function, in which space it is convenient to study random distribution, random partial differential equation and other problems.
    2020, 35(4):  401-409.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.008
    摘要 ( 100 )   PDF (287KB) ( 228 )  
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    For a simple connected graph G, let A(G) and Q(G) be the adjacency matrix and signless Laplacian matrix, respectively of G. The principal eigenvector of A(G) (resp. Q(G)) is the unit positive eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of A(G) (resp. Q(G)). In this paper, an upper bound and lower bound for the sum of the squares of the entries of the principal eigenvector of Q(G) corresponding to the vertices of an independent set are obtained.
    岳俊瑞, 白庆月
    2020, 35(4):  410-417.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.009
    摘要 ( 94 )   PDF (279KB) ( 103 )  
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    In this paper, we consider a class of nonlinear fractional differential equation boundary value problem. The existence of monotone positive solution is derived by the iterative technique.
    2020, 35(4):  418-423.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.010
    摘要 ( 81 )   PDF (326KB) ( 180 )  
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    This paper studies the regularity criterion of weak solutions to the micropolar
    fluid equations in three dimensions. Let (∇u∈L 2/ 2- γ (0,T; ˙B- γ ∞,∞),∇ω ∈L2(0,T; ˙B-1 ∞,∞), it
    is showed that the weak solution (u,ω) is globally regular for the case 0< γ <2.
    阴浩然, 李峰
    2020, 35(4):  424-430.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.011
    摘要 ( 169 )   PDF (272KB) ( 213 )  
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     The strong product digraph G1 G2 is constructed by the known digraph G1 and G2 of small order. The digraph G1 G2 constructed by the strong product method contain G1 and G2 as its sub-graphs. Therefore, the topological structure and properties of these small digraphs G1 and G2 must affect the topological structure and properties of the large digraph. By using group theory, we prove some algebraic properties of strong product of digraphs, such as commutative law, associative law and so on.
    金建军, 李春华
    2020, 35(4):  431-440.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2020.04.012
    摘要 ( 193 )   PDF (315KB) ( 148 )  
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    In this note, we introduce and study a p-adic Hilbert-type integral operator and obtain its sharp norm estimate. As applications, we establish a p-adic Hilbert-type inequality with the best constant and its equivalent form.