数学季刊 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2): 106-110.

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Nonsingularity on Level-2(r1, r2)-circulant Matrices of Type (m,n)


  1. Dept. of  Math.,Linyi  Teacher's College,Shandong,Linyi,276005;Dept. of  Basic,Henan  Vocation Technical  Teacher's   College,Henan,Xinxiang,453003

  • 收稿日期:1996-03-28 出版日期:1996-06-30 发布日期:2025-02-19

Nonsingularity on Level-2(r1, r2)-circulant Matrices of Type (m,n)

  1. Dept. of  Math.,Linyi  Teacher's College,Shandong,Linyi,276005;Dept. of  Basic,Henan  Vocation Technical  Teacher's   College,Henan,Xinxiang,453003
  • Received:1996-03-28 Online:1996-06-30 Published:2025-02-19

摘要: In this'pape,we give four methods of discriminations its nonsingularity by utilizing only parametr r,rz and elements of the first row of level-2(r,r)-circulant matrices of type (m,n).

关键词:  , level-2(r1,r?)-circulant matrices of type(m,n), nonsingularity ,

Abstract: In this'pape,we give four methods of discriminations its nonsingularity by utilizing only parametr r,rz and elements of the first row of level-2(r,r)-circulant matrices of type (m,n).

Key words:  , level-2(r1,r?)-circulant matrices of type(m,n), nonsingularity ,
