数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 11-18.

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  1. Department   of  Mathematics,Liaocheng   Teacher's   College,Shandong,252000
  • 收稿日期:1991-11-16 出版日期:1997-06-30 发布日期:2024-12-02

T2 Separation Subsets and T2 Separateness in L-fuzzy Topological Spaces

  1. Department   of  Mathematics,Liaocheng   Teacher's   College,Shandong,252000
  • Received:1991-11-16 Online:1997-06-30 Published:2024-12-02

摘要: The concept of α-CT2 separation L-fuzzy subsets in L-fuzzy topological spaces is presented by taking the stratiform structure of L-fuzzy subsets as the point of departure,and its basic characterizations and some topological properties are discussed,and the relation between it and other separateness is exposed,and the action is studied of α-CT2 separateness in N-compact spaces and N-paracompact spaces.

关键词:  , fuzzy topological space, a-CT?separation subset, fuzzy lattice, stratiform structure ,

Abstract: The concept of α-CTseparation L-fuzzy subsets in L-fuzzy topological spaces is presented by taking the stratiform structure of L-fuzzy subsets as the point of departure,and its basic characterizations and some topological properties are discussed,and the relation between it and other separateness is exposed,and the action is studied of α-CT2 separateness in N-compact spaces and N-paracompact spaces.

Key words:  , fuzzy topological space, a-CT?separation subset, fuzzy lattice, stratiform structure ,
