数学季刊 ›› 1998, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 14-21.

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Hamilton Properties of Domination Critical Graphs


  1.  Zhoukou Normal College,Henan,Zhoukou,466000

  • 收稿日期:1995-03-29 出版日期:1998-03-30 发布日期:2024-11-05

Hamilton Properties of Domination Critical Graphs

  1.  Zhoukou Normal College,Henan,Zhoukou,466000
  • Received:1995-03-29 Online:1998-03-30 Published:2024-11-05

摘要: Ewa·Wojcicka [1] has proved that the connected 3 γ critical graphs has a H path and has put forward to such a conjecture: Connected 3 γ critical graphs without endpoints are H graphs. In this paper,we prove that if G is a connected 3 γ critical graph without endpoints and has a Hpaht ap →a such that d(a,b)=3, then G is a H graph. The result partially solves Ewa. Wojcicka's conjecture. 专辑: 基础科学 专题: 数学 分类号: O157.5

关键词:  , 3-γ-critical graph;H-path;H-cycle;H-graph

Abstract: Ewa·Wojcicka [1] has proved that the connected 3 γ critical graphs has a H path and has put forward to such a conjecture: Connected 3 γ critical graphs without endpoints are H graphs. In this paper,we prove that if G is a connected 3 γ critical graph without endpoints and has a Hpaht ap →a such that d(a,b)=3, then G is a H graph. The result partially solves Ewa. Wojcicka's conjecture. 

Key words:  , 3-γ-critical graph;H-path;H-cycle;H-graph
