数学季刊 ›› 1998, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 48-51.

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Generalized ExcellentExtension and Hom ologicalDim ension


  1. Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Changzhou,213016; Nothwest Normal University,Lanzhou,730070
  • 收稿日期:1997-05-09 出版日期:1998-09-30 发布日期:2024-10-23

Generalized ExcellentExtension and Hom ologicalDim ension

  1. Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Changzhou,213016; Nothwest Normal University,Lanzhou,730070
  • Received:1997-05-09 Online:1998-09-30 Published:2024-10-23

摘要: We introduce generalized excellent extension of ring R in [4]. If S is a generalized excellent extension of R, we prove that (1) wgldim S≤ wgldim R and glodim S≤ gldim R; (2) the relations between rings R and rings S. 

关键词: ( generalized) excellent extension, homological dimension, GV-Ring S 3 I-Ring

Abstract: We introduce generalized excellent extension of ring R in [4]. If S is a generalized excellent extension of R, we prove that (1) wgldim S≤ wgldim R and glodim S≤ gldim R; (2) the relations between rings R and rings S. 

Key words: ( generalized) excellent extension, homological dimension, GV-Ring S 3 I-Ring
