数学季刊 ›› 2014, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 344-355.doi: 10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2014.03.004
摘要: Some exponential inequalities and complete convergence are established for extended negatively dependent(END) random variables. The inequalities extend and improve the results of Kim and Kim(On the exponential inequality for negative dependent sequence.Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2007, 22(2): 315-321) and Nooghabi and Azarnoosh(Exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables. Statistical Papers, 2009, 50(2): 419-428). We also obtain the convergence rate O(n-1/2ln1/2n) for the strong law of large numbers, which improves the corresponding ones of Kim and Kim,and Nooghabi and Azarnoosh.