数学季刊 ›› 2004, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 107-110.

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  1. 1.Department of Mathematics, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, China; 2.Department of Applied Mathematics, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyungbuk 730-701, Korea
  • 收稿日期:2003-04-01 出版日期:2004-03-30 发布日期:2024-03-28
  • 作者简介:Lü Tong-fu(1962-),male,native of Baoqing,Heilongjiang,an associate professor of Jiamusi University,engages in numberical analysis;ChoMinhyung(1962-),male,native of Kumoh,Kyungbuk,Korea,a professor of Kumoh National Institute of Technology Kyungbuk,Korea,Ph.D.,engages in numerical analysis.
  • 基金资助:
     Supported by the Research Fund of Kumoh National Institute of Technology(02-01-168);

Set Valued Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym Theorem

  1. 1.Department of Mathematics, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, China; 2.Department of Applied Mathematics, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyungbuk 730-701, Korea
  • Received:2003-04-01 Online:2004-03-30 Published:2024-03-28
  • About author:Lü Tong-fu(1962-),male,native of Baoqing,Heilongjiang,an associate professor of Jiamusi University,engages in numberical analysis;ChoMinhyung(1962-),male,native of Kumoh,Kyungbuk,Korea,a professor of Kumoh National Institute of Technology Kyungbuk,Korea,Ph.D.,engages in numerical analysis.
  • Supported by:
     Supported by the Research Fund of Kumoh National Institute of Technology(02-01-168);

摘要:  In this paper, we establish the set valued Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym Theorem.

关键词: set , valued , measures;Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym , theorem;Banach-spaces 

Abstract:  In this paper, we establish the set valued Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym Theorem.

Key words: set , valued , measures;Vitali-Hahn-Saks-Nikodym , theorem;Banach-spaces 
