数学季刊 ›› 2004, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 90-94.

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  1.  1.Department of Mathematics and Physics, Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Jinan 250014, China; 2. College of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Taian 271019, China; 3.School of Science, Jinan University, Jinan 250022, China
  • 收稿日期:2002-11-06 出版日期:2004-03-30 发布日期:2024-03-28
  • 作者简介:DONG Gui-xiang(1977-),female,native of Laoling,Shandong,Ph.D.,engages in graph theory and combinatorial optimization.

Edge-face Chromatic Number of 2-connected 1-tree with △(G) = 5

  1.  1.Department of Mathematics and Physics, Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Jinan 250014, China; 2. College of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Taian 271019, China; 3.School of Science, Jinan University, Jinan 250022, China
  • Received:2002-11-06 Online:2004-03-30 Published:2024-03-28
  • About author:DONG Gui-xiang(1977-),female,native of Laoling,Shandong,Ph.D.,engages in graph theory and combinatorial optimization.

摘要:  Wang Wei-fan[1] proved that the edge-face chromatic number of a 2-connected 1-tree with the maximum degree is not less than 6 is its maximum degree, and he conjectured that it is true when the maximum degree is 5. This paper proves the conjecture.

关键词: edge-face chromatic number, 1-tree

Abstract:  Wang Wei-fan[1] proved that the edge-face chromatic number of a 2-connected 1-tree with the maximum degree is not less than 6 is its maximum degree, and he conjectured that it is true when the maximum degree is 5. This paper proves the conjecture.

Key words: edge-face chromatic number, 1-tree
