数学季刊 ›› 2007, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 592-596.

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  1. Department of Mathematics and Physics,Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Beijing 102617,China
  • 收稿日期:2004-09-01 出版日期:2007-12-30 发布日期:2023-10-23
  • 作者简介:ZHUANG Wei(1968-), male, native of Xintai, Shandong, an associate professor of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Ph.D., engages in complex dynamics.
  • 基金资助:

On the Continuity of Julia Sets and Hausdorff Dimension of NCP and Parabolic Maps

  1. Department of Mathematics and Physics,Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Beijing 102617,China
  • Received:2004-09-01 Online:2007-12-30 Published:2023-10-23
  • About author:ZHUANG Wei(1968-), male, native of Xintai, Shandong, an associate professor of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Ph.D., engages in complex dynamics.

摘要: Denote by HD(J(f))the Hansdorff dimension of the Julia set J(f)of a rational function f.Our first result asserts that if f is an NCP map,and fn→f horocyclically, preserving sub-critical relations,then fn is an NCP map for all n》0 and J(fn)→J(f)in the Hausdorff topology.We also prove that if f is a parabolic map and fn is an NCP map for all n》0 such that fn→f horocyclically,then J(fn)→J(f) in the Hansdorff topology, and HD(J(fn))→HD(J(f)). 

关键词: Julia set, Hausdorff dimension, Markov partition, conformal measure

Abstract: Denote by HD(J(f))the Hansdorff dimension of the Julia set J(f)of a rational function f.Our first result asserts that if f is an NCP map,and fn→f horocyclically, preserving sub-critical relations,then fis an NCP map for all n》0 and J(fn)→J(f)in the Hausdorff topology.We also prove that if f is a parabolic map and fn is an NCP map for all n》0 such that fn→f horocyclically,then J(fn)→J(f) in the Hansdorff topology, and HD(J(fn))→HD(J(f)). 

Key words: Julia set, Hausdorff dimension, Markov partition, conformal measure
