数学季刊 ›› 2008, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 36-44.
摘要: On bounded symmetric domainΩof Cn, we investigate the properties of functions in weighted Bergman spaces Ap(Ω,dvs) for 0<p≤+∞ and -1<s<+∞. Based on the estimate of Bergman kernel, we obtain some characterizations of functions in Ap(Ω,dvs) in terms of a class of linear operators Dα,β. Making use of these characterizations, we ex- tend Ap(Ω,dvs) to the weighted Berg-man spaces Apα,β(Ω,dvs) in a very natural way for 1≤p≤+∞and any real number s, that is, -∞<s<+∞.This unified treatment covers some classical Bergman spaces, Besov spaces and Bloch spaces. Meanwhile, the boundedness of Bergman projection operators on Apα,β(Ω,dvs) and the dual of Apα,β(Ω,dvs) are given.