数学季刊 ›› 2011, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 159-163.

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  1. School of Science, Guilin University of Technology

  • 收稿日期:2007-09-07 出版日期:2011-06-30 发布日期:2023-04-26
  • 作者简介:WU Yan-chun(1964-), female, native of Guilin, Guangxi, an associate professor of Guilin University of Technology, M.S.D., engages in probability statistics; WU Qun-ying(1961-), female, native of Guilin, Guangxi, a professor of Guilin University of Technology, Ph.D., engages in probability statistics.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11061012); Supported
    by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi(2010GXNSFA013121)

Complete Convergence Properties of the Sums for ρ-mixing Sequences of Random Variables

  1. School of Science, Guilin University of Technology

  • Received:2007-09-07 Online:2011-06-30 Published:2023-04-26
  • About author:WU Yan-chun(1964-), female, native of Guilin, Guangxi, an associate professor of Guilin University of Technology, M.S.D., engages in probability statistics; WU Qun-ying(1961-), female, native of Guilin, Guangxi, a professor of Guilin University of Technology, Ph.D., engages in probability statistics.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11061012); Supported
    by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi(2010GXNSFA013121)

摘要: This paper discusses complete convergence properties of the sums of ρ-mixing random sequences. As a result, we improve the corresponding results of Wu Qunying(2001). And extended the Baum and Katz complete convergence to the case of ρ-mixing random sequences by moment inequality and truncating without necessarily adding any extra conditions.

关键词: ρ-mixing random sequences, complete convergence, moment condition

Abstract: This paper discusses complete convergence properties of the sums of ρ-mixing random sequences. As a result, we improve the corresponding results of Wu Qunying(2001). And extended the Baum and Katz complete convergence to the case of ρ-mixing random sequences by moment inequality and truncating without necessarily adding any extra conditions.

Key words: ρ-mixing random sequences, complete convergence, moment condition
