数学季刊 ›› 2011, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 378-382.

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  1. School of Sciences, Lanzhou University of Technology

  • 收稿日期:2008-03-03 出版日期:2011-09-30 发布日期:2023-04-19
  • 作者简介: YANG Sheng-liang(1963-), male, native of Pingliang, Gansu, a professor of Lanzhou University of Technology, M.S.D., engages in algebraic combinatorics.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(1010RJZA049);

A New Approach for Inverting the Pascal Matrix Plus a Scalar

  1. School of Sciences, Lanzhou University of Technology

  • Received:2008-03-03 Online:2011-09-30 Published:2023-04-19
  • About author: YANG Sheng-liang(1963-), male, native of Pingliang, Gansu, a professor of Lanzhou University of Technology, M.S.D., engages in algebraic combinatorics.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(1010RJZA049);

摘要: In this paper, using the Jordan canonical form of the Pascal matrix Pn, we present a new approach for inverting the Pascal matrix plus a scalar Pn+aIn for arbitrary real number a≠1.

关键词: Pascal matrix, Stirling number, Stirling matrix, Jordan canonical form

Abstract: In this paper, using the Jordan canonical form of the Pascal matrix Pn, we present a new approach for inverting the Pascal matrix plus a scalar Pn+aIn for arbitrary real number a≠1.

Key words: Pascal matrix, Stirling number, Stirling matrix, Jordan canonical form
