数学季刊 ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 241-249.

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  1. College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yan’an University

  • 收稿日期:2011-10-11 出版日期:2013-06-30 发布日期:2023-03-02
  • 作者简介:ZHANG Qing-xiang(1954-), male, native of Ansai, Shaanxi, a professor of Yan’an University, engages in optimization theory, methods and application; ZHANG Yong-zhan(1985-), male, native of Dingbian, Shaanxi, a graduate of Yan’an University, engages in optimization theory, methods and applications.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Science Foundation of Shaanxi Provincial Educational Department Natural Science Foundation of China(06JK152); Supported by the Graduate Innovation Project of Yanan university(YCX201003)

The Optimality Conditions for Multiobjective Semi-infinite Programming Involving Generalized Unified (C, α, ρ, d)-convexity

  1. College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yan’an University

  • Received:2011-10-11 Online:2013-06-30 Published:2023-03-02
  • About author:ZHANG Qing-xiang(1954-), male, native of Ansai, Shaanxi, a professor of Yan’an University, engages in optimization theory, methods and application; ZHANG Yong-zhan(1985-), male, native of Dingbian, Shaanxi, a graduate of Yan’an University, engages in optimization theory, methods and applications.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Science Foundation of Shaanxi Provincial Educational Department Natural Science Foundation of China(06JK152); Supported by the Graduate Innovation Project of Yanan university(YCX201003)

摘要: The definition of generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-convex function is given. The concepts of generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-quasiconvexity, generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-pseudoconvexity and generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-strictly pseudoconvex functions are presented. The sufficient optimality conditions for multiobjective nonsmooth semi-infinite programming are obtained involving these generalized convexity lastly.

关键词: generalized convexity, multiobjective semi-infnite programming, effient solution;  optimality conditions

Abstract: The definition of generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-convex function is given. The concepts of generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-quasiconvexity, generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-pseudoconvexity and generalized unified (C, α, ρ, d)-strictly pseudoconvex functions are presented. The sufficient optimality conditions for multiobjective nonsmooth semi-infinite programming are obtained involving these generalized convexity lastly.

Key words: generalized convexity, multiobjective semi-infnite programming, effcient solution;  optimality conditions
