数学季刊 ›› 2013, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 546-554.

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  1. School of Economics, Anhui University; School of Mathematics and Statistics, Suzhou University
  • 收稿日期:2012-02-06 出版日期:2013-12-30 发布日期:2023-02-17
  • 作者简介:LI Jing(1980-), female, native of Suzhou, Anhui, a lecturer of Suzhou University, M.S.D., engages in probability limit theorem.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Talents Youth Fund of Anhui Province Universities(2012SQRL204)

Complete Convergence for Arrays of Rowwise φ-mixing Random Variables

  1. School of Economics, Anhui University; School of Mathematics and Statistics, Suzhou University
  • Received:2012-02-06 Online:2013-12-30 Published:2023-02-17
  • About author:LI Jing(1980-), female, native of Suzhou, Anhui, a lecturer of Suzhou University, M.S.D., engages in probability limit theorem.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Talents Youth Fund of Anhui Province Universities(2012SQRL204)

摘要: In the paper, the complete convergence for arrays of rowwise φ-mixing random variables is studied. Some sufficient conditions for complete convergence for an array of rowwise φ-mixing random variables without assumptions of identical distribution and stochastic domination are presented.

关键词: φ-mixing sequence; , array of rowwise , φ-mixing random variables; , complete convergence

Abstract: In the paper, the complete convergence for arrays of rowwise φ-mixing random variables is studied. Some sufficient conditions for complete convergence for an array of rowwise φ-mixing random variables without assumptions of identical distribution and stochastic domination are presented.

Key words: φ-mixing sequence; , array of rowwise , φ-mixing random variables; , complete convergence
